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Static assets handling

By default, all icons on PWA Web App Manifest option found under Vite's publicDir option directory, will be included in the service worker precache. You can disable this option using includeManifestIcons: false.

You can also add another static assets such as favicon, svg and font files using includeAssets option. The includeAssets option will be resolved using fast-glob found under Vite's publicDir option directory, and so you can use regular expressions to include those assets, for example: includeAssets: ['fonts/*.ttf', 'images/*.png']. You don't need to configure PWA Manifest icons on includeAssets option.

Reusing src/assets images


This feature is only available from version 0.14.7+.

If you are using images in your application via src/assets directory (or any other directory), and you want to reuse those images in your PWA Manifest icons, you can use them with these 3 limitations:

  • any image under src/assets directory (or any other directory) must be used in your application via static import or directly on the src attribute
  • you must reference the images in the PWA Manifest icons using the assets directory path relative to the root folder: ./src/assets/logo.png or src/assets/logo.png
  • inlined icons cannot be used, in that case you will need to copy/move those images to the Vite's publicDir option directory: refer to Importing Asset as URL and Vite's assetsInlineLimit option


If you're using PWA Manifest icons from any asset folder, but you are not using those images in your application (via static import or in src attribute), Vite will not emit those assets, and so missing from the build output:

Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: https://localhost/src/assets/pwa-192x192.png (Download error or resource isn't a valid image)
Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: https://localhost/src/assets/pwa-192x192.png (Download error or resource isn't a valid image)

In that case, you need to copy or move those images to the Vite's publicDir option directory (defaults to public) and configure the icons properly.

For example, if you have the following image src/assets/logo-192x192.png you can add it to your PWA Manifest icon using:

  "src": "./src/assets/logo-192x192.png",
  "sizes": "192x192",
  "type": "image/png"
  "src": "./src/assets/logo-192x192.png",
  "sizes": "192x192",
  "type": "image/png"

then, in your codebase, you must use it via static import:

// src/main.js or src/main.ts
// can be any js/ts/jsx/tsx module or single file component
import logo from './assets/logo-192x192.png'

document.getElementById('logo-img').src = logo
// src/main.js or src/main.ts
// can be any js/ts/jsx/tsx module or single file component
import logo from './assets/logo-192x192.png'

document.getElementById('logo-img').src = logo

or using the src attribute:

// src/main.js or src/main.ts
// can be any js/ts/jsx/tsx module or single file component
document.getElementById('#app').innerHTML = `
  <img src="./assets/logo-192x192.png" alt="Logo" width="192" height="192" />
// src/main.js or src/main.ts
// can be any js/ts/jsx/tsx module or single file component
document.getElementById('#app').innerHTML = `
  <img src="./assets/logo-192x192.png" alt="Logo" width="192" height="192" />


If you need to include other assets that are not under Vite's publicDir option directory, you can use the globPatterns parameter of workbox or injectManifest plugin options.


If you configure globPatterns on workbox or injectManifest plugin option, you MUST include all your assets patterns: globPatterns will be used by workbox-build to match files on dist folder.

By default, globPatterns will be **/*.{js,css,html}: workbox will use glob primer to match files using globPatterns as filter.

A common pitfall is to only include some assets and forget to add css, js and html assets pattern, and then your service worker will complain about missing resources.

For example, if you don't include html assets pattern, you will get this error from your service worker: WorkboxError non-precached-url index.html.

If you use generateSW strategy, then you need to configure globPatterns inside workbox plugin option:

  workbox: {
    globPatterns: [],
  workbox: {
    globPatterns: [],

If you use injectManifest strategy, then you need to configureglobPatterns inside injectManifest plugin option:

  injectManifest: {
    globPatterns: [],
  injectManifest: {
    globPatterns: [],

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